GN21 outdoor networking gathering - Let's get reacquainted!

Aug 17 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Sir Winston Churchill Park near the northwest corner (Spadina & St. Clair W). Look for people in a circle, spaced apart. There are public washrooms in the park.

Have you had any green ideas or thoughts during the pandemic?  Have you started a new green initiative or business in the neighbourhood?

Are you a fixer, a re-user or creative re-creator? Or perhaps an activist, community builder, artist, musician, gardener, or storyteller? Or maybe you are a reader, listener, or sideline supporter! 

It's been a while since we've been together and we would like to get reacquainted, hear of people's interests, and also meet new people in the neighborhood!  Bring something to sit on, and a green idea, thought, or announcement to share. (Listeners welcome too.)

We will have an organized activity or two, and some snacks (bring your own water).  Afterwards, starting at 6pm, we will have a short guided walk in the Nordheimer Ravine. Hope to see you there!