EcoFair at the Barns

Click here for the EcoFair webpage

Green Neighbours 21 co-organized eleven successful EcoFair at the Barns events. The last one we co-organized was held on Nov 3 2019. It was a great success with over 1,400 people attending!

In 2020 and 2021, the EcoFair was an online event (not at the Barns) so the event was called EcoFair Toronto. It was co-organized by Green Neighbours Network of Toronto and by Transition Toronto. For more information visit EcoFair Toronto.

As always, the EcoFair is 100% volunteer organized by people like you - who want to make friends and make a difference. The EcoFair is usually held on the first Sunday in November. Organizing volunteers begin planning in late spring. Other exciting volunteer opportunities are available in the fall, and on the day of the event. To volunteer for future EcoFair events, send an email to: