Protecting the Pollinators – What you can do in your garden

Speakers: Clement Kent and Scott MacIvor
Most flowering plants (including many we grow for food) rely on pollinating insects and birds in order to reproduce. Today, unfortunately, many pollinating species are threatened by pollution, pesticides and habitat loss.  Come and hear two experts explain these threats and describe new research into the potential value of urban gardens as a safe habitat for pollinators. Learn how you can make your own garden an oasis for these essential birds and insects.
Clement Kent, PhD is a researcher in honey bee genomics and President of the Horticultural Societies of Parkdale and Toronto. He is also head of the Pollinator Gardens Project. His book,  "How to Make a Pollinator Garden", will be available at the meeting.
Scott MacIvor is a PhD student in the Biology Department at York University. He studies landscape ecology of bees in cities, ecosystem functions of novel and urban habitat, and green roof design. He was awarded a Governor General Gold Medal for Graduate Research for his work in 2011.