Welcome to Green Neighbours 21

Green Neighbours 21 is a grass-roots, action-oriented group of people who live in Toronto St Paul's / Ward 12 (and beyond). We work together on solutions to climate change and other environmental problems.

Everyone is welcome to come to our events. Like us on Facebook!

Past Events

Date: April 10, 2011 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm

Green, Local and Resilient: How do we make it happen?

In past meetings we’ve heard a lot about the threats posed by climate change, environmental collapse, and the end of cheap fossil fuels. We have also looked at some inspiring efforts to meet these threats by rebuilding... More ...

Location: St. Matthew’s United Church - Parlour Room (southeast corner of St. Clair Ave. and Ruston Rd.)
Date: January 17, 2011 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Topic: Green Options

Ward 21 residents have been actively installing solar projects on their own roofs for years.  Now there is an exciting new opportunity to invest in co-operatively owned solar systems through the Options for Green Energy Queen Street Solar Co-operative... More ...

Location: St. Michaels and All Angels Anglican Church (southeast corner of St. Clair Ave. W and Wychwood Ave. Enter off Wychwood, through wooden gate). Our meeting room is on the top floor.
Date: January 17, 2011 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Topic: Green Options

Location: Usual
